Regional Developments
To achieve National Economic Development by implementation of Regional Development initiatives by promoting investment opportunities and giving emphasis to provision of Infrastructure facilities, in order to overcome obstacles of Regional Development.
To increase the regional contribution to the National Economy by promoting investment opportunities through providing infrastructure facilities.
The Regional Development Division of the Ministry of Economic development shall act as a lead partner in overcoming future economic challenges highlighted by the Mahinda Chinthana – Vision for the Future document. For this purpose regional development shall utilize all provisions made under the local and foreign funds.
Local Funds
Development programmes, which represent all nine provinces are carried out from the Regional Development Division. Every region has different geographical, social and Economic characteristics. This division involves in preparation of strategic plans and also appropriate programmes according to identified characteristics. This division is involved in planning and identification of policies and objectives in order to fulfill the requirements of regional development expectations.
The 9 Regional Development programmes are;
District Development
Donor Coordination and Project Management of Foreign Funded Projects
The Regional Development Division of the Ministry of Economic Development is also responsible for the management of foreign-funded projects implemented under the purview of the Ministry, in all regions of Sri Lanka. For this purpose, the Donor Coordination and Project Management Division was set up under the supervision of a Director General in June 2010. The Donor Coordination Division is responsible for the coordination and expeditious implementation of donor-funded projects (loan aid, grant aid and technical cooperation) coming under the purview of the Ministry, as well as the facilitation of other requirements of the donors, in accordance with government policy and the national interest.
The implementation of donor-funded projects (both bilateral and multilateral) is undertaken in accordance with the Government’s objective of achieving sustainable, broad-based growth in all provinces, as well as improving the living standards of all provinces, in line with the goals set in the ‘Mahinda Chintana: Vision for the Future’.
The Ministry is currently engaged in managing 31 projects valued at Rs. 130.658 billion. Of this, 15 are large loan and grant projects (valued at above 50 Million) mainly funded by the World Bank/International Development Association (IDA), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). They include the North East Housing Reconstruction Programme (NEHRP), the Emergency Northern Recovery Project (ENReP), the Re-awakening Project (RaP), the North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP); the North East Community Restoration and Development Project (NECORD); and the Pro-poor Economic Advancement & Community Enhancement Project (PEACE). These include emergency projects for the reconstruction and development of the war-ravaged North and East, including the resettlement of IDPs; as well as the development of other regions, including the coastal belt, which was affected by the December 2004 tsunami.
The other donors associated with the Ministry include the European Commission (EC), the French Development Agency (FDA), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Japanese Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ); UN agencies including the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN World Food Programme (WFP); and international organizations such as the IOM. The Ministry additionally facilitates bilateral projects supported by friendly countries such as India, Iran, Japan, the United States, Sweden and the Netherlands.
A total of Rs. 21,538 Million was earmarked from the Ministry capital budget of 2010 for the implementation of foreign-funded projects during the year 2010. A total of Rs. 13,330.84 Million was spent in 2010.