SLIBC - Sri Lanka Italia Business Council
SLIBC -  Sri Lanka Italia Business Council

Krono ssrl

Krono Ssrl, is a new born company but with our personal experiences of over a decade that our board team have operated in the field of

business promotions.When someone asks what we do at Krono Ssrl, it’s tempting to point out our track record for helping to transform

the companies into sharper, smarter, better versions of themselves. It’s true; our mission is to help management teams create such high

levels of economic value that together we redefine our respective industries.


Contattateci per un appuntamento

Per qualsiasi domanda, richiesta o chiarimento o per fissare un appuntamento chiamateci allo:


+39.3881730883 +393404878718





Potete compilare anche il nostro modulo online.

Accordo  di collaborazione con la Krono ssrl

Krono Ssrl, is a new born company but with our personal experiences of over a decade that our board team have operated in the field of

business promotions.

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© SLIBC - Associazione onlus Sri Lanka Italia Business Council - Roma